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Posts posted by golda

  1. Day 2

    Mr.Flirt is texting me good morning..and I was going through a rough time. Some good friends were around to calm me down.

    I got a job interview call..for a secretary job..from a cute young lawyer. He added me on Facebook as well. His office and residence is in an upscale area of the city.

    Mr.Lawyer wants to meet me for lunch sometime next week for interview. He's single, young and handsome. Not to mention successful. But I still think about you.


    I accidentally clicked on the secret folder on my phone and saw our pics. I really miss you.

    My best friend was online today and told me that she feels..you will contact me again..in the future.

    Right now during NC, my target is to make money. I want to save up money for a holiday on a beach resort island.

  2. Day 1


    It's day 1 for me..

    Because I still text or IM you somtimes..although you don't respond. How can you be so cold?

    Anyways..today I believe..I deserve better. I am a beautiful girl, I take good care of my self, I keep in shape and I look good. I believe I don't have trouble finding your replacement but I still miss you.

    Anyways..today..somebody is flirting with me and I flirt back. He gave me feel good vibes and I like having conversations with him..why shouldn't I?


    Meanwhile..since last week..I saw you adding girls on Facebook..and one girl looked just like me. Perhaps you are looking for someone to replace me..maybe, or just testing the waters.

    Remember you used to compliment me on my dance practice, my body and my looks? Well honey..since you asked for a break..I've been training like crazy and I look in top shape. My stomach looks insane now..hahaha. My dance moves are getting more meaner and smooth. I just love it so much. Too bad babes, you're not here to see me now..


    I still remember our first date..you were waiting for me at Starbucks sipping your coffee holding your tablet looking at me like the nerdy boy you are with your specs and pimpled face. You were so nervous back then..when I held your hand..I feel you tremble...then I caught myself thinking "So cute!". My friends all get confused and asked what I saw in you..because they think you don't belong in my league..and perhaps it was my fault listening to them telling negative things about you..actually their insights about you are always negative.


    You worked late until 7 in the morning and my friends say you must be playing online arcade games at some internet cafe. I got angry and that's the beginning of our argument that lead to the whole break. I really loved you. Perhaps you never knew..and I never realized it myself..but when you left, I feel a deep hurt. I regret everything I did. If I wasn't angry and scolding you..we wouldn't have this break now..

  3. Stacy2--Your post made me sad..especially when you said "The ONLY person I want to be interested in me is you. I'm so jealous that you are happily moving on, while I'm here finding it impossible."..I know what you feel. Because I'm feeling it too.


    Last time I had contact with my BF (he's asking for time alone / a break now) was on April 5, 2011. He just finished playing football and texting me..letting me know he's going home..driving 1 hour away from football field. It's late at night and I told him to be careful. He appreciated it..anyways..from that moment on, no communication from him anymore..and I'm trying hard to be strong now.


    Today I made mistake to contact him on IM just saying "hi" and (naturally) get no reply from him. So today..is DAY 1 for me..no contact.

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