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Posts posted by TEMPTA21

  1. Dear Joanie,

    I have been married to my husband(CD) for 4years(we've been together 7). I did not meet his sisters until right before we got married. His middle sister, "Kit"(we'll call her), let us stay at her house until we went to where the actual ceremony was to take place. We got to her and her husband(JOE)'s house at about 3AM, so we stayed the night. The next day we all(my husband, kids, and Kit(minus Joe-he had to work) went to a mall to hang out. Both of them sat up front, me with the kids in the back. They were laughing and talking to each other and started tickling one another. Kit was driving and they just kept on. Then when they settled down a little he rested his hand on her thigh for the rest of the 20min. it took to get to the mall. At that point I was feeling uncomfortable, but shook it off as jet-lag from the trip down there. On the way down there he goes into this story(second time he tells me) about how his sister Kit and he were at a party and everyone was ready to go and he goes over and kisses his sister on the lips and everyone was saying how it was so gross that he was making out with his sister. But he was "just kissing her goodbye the way they always did growing up-it was innocent." Anyhow, everytime I go down there(we'll call it Dallas), they are always like that. Last year at mother's day I finally decided to say nore than it just made me uncomfortable-I told him that I thought he should say something to her. He said he would. This was about the third time we'd gone to Dallas when I'd asked him to say something and he laughs it off and says he will. I just finally said that I was not going to be apart of anything like standing by and watching him act like she were more his wife than I am. I told him that I could not stress enough how him laying his head down on her lap while she played with his hair while the whole family were talking-made me extremely uncomfortable. He just said once again he would talk to her about it. Last Christmas we went down there and she's sitting on his lap again. I almost got a picture of it just so I would have proof-for myself that I'm not crazy, and to drop him a hint that maybe that was too much-but the camera took too long to load and I just have them sitting close to one another-but at least she got off his lap! I recently posted on a "friend's" network-that very picture I am speaking of with the caption"How close is too close?" CD's family just started networking on that very site and I guess their not too happy with me. It was all I could do to keep myself from exploding. I mean, this has been going on for 4years-has it been my responsibility this whole time? Would it not have-well-made me look as crazy as I do right about now? I guess I could have always said in the middle of everyone-"Hey, enough is enough." But I was trying to be a bigger person, a more respectful person. But it gets harder when you feel more and more like you aren't being respected. The more I pray about it the more I know that it's wrong. The more I know that it is not jealousy nor envy that is convicting me-but disgust. So I told CD that last night. What you do and how you act around each other makes me sick-I am disgusted. You never have acted like that around your eldest sister-so what makes it ok with the other one? It's gross.... "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!"

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