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Posts posted by kpace2007

  1. Your roommate reminds me so much of myself. I'm 15 years old and I'm in the 'Beginning' stages of anorexia I guess you could call it. I myself go a whole day only eating maybe.. One of the very small lunch size bag of chips at school for lunch.. Thats all. and I'm afraid that if I continue I will end up like some of the other girls and in the hospital. But I myself am like your roommate and am one of those girls who doesn't NEED to loose weight at all!! But I feel bad about myself and down a lot because I don't get as many boyfriends as oh say.. the cheerleaders! I always believe that it has to do with my weight.. even tho I'm 15 and weigh 105 when most my age are like 130! But I don't know about your roommate but I do it because it makes me feel better about myself and makes me happier even though I know that I should never have to resort to not eating to make me happier, But it does! So i I were you I would inform somebody of your friends problem, I myself have decided to do that and I have told someone already and am seeking help - But it's so hard to eat now! When I do eat i'm sitting there thinkin, Why am I eating anything at all today! I shouldn't be eating! So you should help your friend out as much as you can - My friends haven't really been very supportive of me and it hasn't helped me at all. So I'm having a lot of trouble changing my eating habbits - So help her out!! And inform her parents as one of my friends did.

  2. Hi,

    I'm 14 years old and I am anorexic. I always thought I was fat too, which I'm not really. Everyone always told me I was skinnier than a rail. But I always saw myself as fat, and still do because most of my friends have the "Cheerleader" type bodies.. Ya kno, the flat stomaches, skinny legs, that stuff. and I always thought I was like.. WAY fat! But I see now I'm not, and trust me you don't wanna go down the same path I did to anorexia.. and I'm only 14!!! I have come to realise that God made us how HE wanted us to be. If he wanted us to look any different he would have made us that way-But he made everyone of us a certain way and we should love ourselves and our bodies no matter what other people say or think!!

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