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Posts posted by karting5u

  1. Well folks, I just wanted to let you all know a miracle has happened. I joined the Army National Guard here in my state, with my old job I had in the military. For some reason they don't ask prior service anything about police records. All you have to do is pass a day long physical which I did, and I swoar back into the military last Thursday afternoon.


    My unit I'm stationed with is within an hour from home, I work one weekend a month and two weeks out of the year with tons of benefits etc... The funny thing is, I met my recruiter the day before the physical, he then took me too meet most of my unit, and I found out I'll be going to Egypt for 6 months in October.


    Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know everything worked out for the better after 4 long years. It's been hell here and I hope I never have to go through that agian. We all learn from our mistakes, and I know I can go on living my life one day at a time. Thank you all for the emails and expert advice



    Thanks again,



  2. Reasons I want to end my life:


    1. I can't get back into the military because of my record.


    2. My parents have disowned me because of my record.


    3. I haven't been with a women in close to 4 years because of my reocord.


    4. I have the most boring life ever because of my record.


    And the list goes on........


    Listen folks, I'm a very good looking guy who just got into a little bit of trouble. Maybe where you guys are from things are taken lightly because of my actions, but here in the USA (MICHIGAN) They are dead serious about it. I will never see a driver's liscence agian, so I am told by 5 lawyers. I can never get a respectable job because I now have a felony on my record. This felony will take atleast 10 years before I can get it off of my record, then I'll be 37.


    In the last 3 and a half years I've lived with my parents having minimum conversations with any of them. They act as if I'm the outcast. So my life consist of going to work, coming home, and sitting in the living room or my bedroom. They stay on the other side of the house, and try there best to ignore me. I have the type of family that doesn't speak much, none of my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandfathers, etc... talk much about anything.


    When I was in the military I had promised to marry my high-school sweet heart. I knew her all of my life and loved her with all my heart. When I was honorably discarged from the military I moved back home (FOR HER) and was engaged within 6 months. While on the road working, I came home early and caught her in bed with 2 guys. She appernelty changed alot since I was gone. Anyways I turned to drinking to ease the pain and that's why I got the 3 dui's. Ever since then my life has been a HUGE MESS.


    I have no friends to turn too, because of this small town and they all moved away. I don't have family member to turn too, because none of us talk anyways. I really don't know what else to do besides shoot myself.



    Reason I want to live:


    1. For some reason in the back of my head I feel, I can be helpful to something, i.e. my country, or someone.



    Please help this desperate empty soul. I'm in tears here and have no clue what to do.




  3. Yes, I am quite young. I'm under 30 but over 25. There is more to this story than just the criminal record. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not into drugs, nor do I have a huge criminal record. Those 3 dui's were the only thing I was ever busted for in my life. While in the Marines, I was a model marine, did what I was told, passed every test with flying colors.


    Now I'm 27, living with my parents in a town so small you could fit it all in a soup can, with absolutely no jobs in the immediate area. I do have a job, making 11 bucks an hour which I've been there for 10 months now. I like the job, but I'm not happy in my current living situation. My parents are always on my case, because I've done nothing with my life, they always talk me down and never show any feelings towards me. I have a father here, that won't speak to me, because of my criminal record, and I haven't produced any grand childern for him. That is why I want to re-join the military.


    Thank you all for giving me some advice. I just might live to see another day!

  4. Just wanted to let you all know I'm going to kill myself soon. I will not hear of a solution or way out, so please don't offer any. I just need to tell someone so I can get it off of my chest. Anyways, the reason I'm doing this is because I have a criminal record that consist of 3 DUI's and there is no possibility of me becoming a citizen of today's society agian. All I want to do is join the military, which I was previously in, but with my record I was sadly informed I cannot re-join. I'm not sure when I will do it, but I do have the supplies right here with me. I would like to talk about this with someone, but I would prefer it if I were E-mailed! Thanks for listening.

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