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Posts posted by KansasCity

  1. Okay heres the story... about two years agome and this guy started getting into eachother... we didnt get together though last january. then we broke up three weeks later and then were kind of seeing eachother off and on but nevr offically back together until three months ago. We started gettign really serious and he asked me to marry him and everything, he always tlaked abotu how he loves me soo mucha nd wants to spend therest of his life with me... then about five days ago i notice him driffting away... kinda liek he was losing interest. He was doign stuff liek not cuddleing with me when we woudl sleep together not waking up in the middle of the night and kissing me. which i loved! and he just seemed liek he wasnt carign as much. so i ask him two nights ago if he is losing interest.. he says no btu i could kinda tell by the way he was acting now that ith ink about it that there was somethign up. then last night we get into this converstaion abotu how we spend tomuch tiem together and how he todl meall that stuff abotu gettign married was just beause its what i wanted.. when he was the one that iniciated it in the first place... i never once braught it up. he said soemthing abotu how we were moving to fast and he geusses he just got scared...well now we arnt together and he says he just needs time to think abotu us and if this is what he really wants is to be with me... What do i do?

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