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Posts posted by eddiewouldgo

  1. It's been 8 days now since my ex broke up with me. We had been together for 2 years. We had our ups and downs as every couple did, but we loved each other so much. Our first year we were at university together, but the second I had left uni, so we saw each other every few weeks. It wasn't easy but we made it work, and knew that when she finished uni in a year's time we'd be together. Her reason for the brake up was she couldn't handle the pressure of the long distance relationship even though she still loved me. It still hurts so much. I've been strong the last 5 days and have not contacted her. But it's such hard work, I just want to speak to her so much and win her back, but everywhere people say I have to leave her for now. I just wish I could see two months down the line that we were back together. I've found it really helpful writing to her. I've written 10,000 words in a few days. I've got no intensions of sending it to her, but it feels like I'm speaking to her so it helps a lot. I've even written her some poems! I don't think I should send her those either. Is there any advice for what I can do for the moment? And if she contacts or IM's me can I contact her back?

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