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Posts posted by sunny

  1. I'm pretty new at this so I don't know where this message is going.

    I have a problem. I have this boyfriend (he is 22 and I'm 24) who I am madly in love with. I've liked him for over a year. We didn't start dating officially until Valentines Day. He has even insisted that we live together and I'm moving in with him this month. He has brought me home to meet his family and he has met mine. He talks about the future, droping hints of marraige. Sounds like I have it made huh? Here is my problem. Yesterday I was doing his Laundry (i'm a nice girlfriend) and I found a bunch of gay porno tapes in his drawer. Now I have the wheels in my head turning. Could he be gay??? I don't understand, ever since he knew I liked him I gave him so much space. He is the one that went after me. He didn't have to decide to be together, he could have just told me he wasn't interested. He is a kind hearted man, and he knows I would never hurt him. So if he is gay why would he hurt me. We tell each other I love you. We don't have sex because right at the beginning of our relationship we decided that we wanted to wait till marriage. I'm a virgin. I love him and don't ever want to lose him. I don't want to confront him because maybe this was a phase he went through and thought he was gay at one point in his life and went through a sexual identity conflict, also I don't want him to think i was snooping. Does any one have any advise for me. I'm very very sad

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