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Posts posted by darryl316

  1. Hey superdave,

    my gf of 1 year and 2 months, asked for a break 4 days ago. She said feelings for me have faded and basically we should be single. Then she says were not breaking up though, its just that shes confused.

    Now the thing is she keeps texting and calling me, but up until today i have stopped responding to her, because she keeps calling but only talks like im just a "friend", so i told her look you wanted this, so im giving you ur space, contact me when u make a decision about us. Now she keeps calling but i dont pick up. Should i pick up next time? Its only been a day of me completely freezing her out. im thinking if she wanted to tell me she wants to get back together she would atleast leave a message, text me (instead of just saying hey), or send me a message on myspace..what do you think dave?


    Heres my thread if u want to see what we have spoken about and such


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