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Posts posted by SAPPHIRE2

  1. In response to your reply. My ex wife, in my opinion, had always had some type of relationship with her ex husband. She claimed that she had so many problems getting child support out of him. Our relationship faced many difficulties. I have lost many friends as well as the relationship with my mother because of my involvement with her. I still love her more than any woman that I've ever known. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about her and long for her. As for you my friend, it is best to let her go. You cannot keep someone where they don't want to be. If she is to come back to you, It's going to have to be up to her, then up to you if you want her back. I know how you feel. To this day, I still wonder "what if". Good luck to you. May GOD bless you and heal your heart. Her scar will always be there.

  2. Both me and my ex wife have married other people. She still wants to "keep in touch". I know that I still love her and she claims to still love me. She has remarried her first husband. After all that she has told me about the way he treated her, she goes and remarries him. I believe that she likes certain aspects of both of us. Please help.




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