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Posts posted by Aldonza

  1. What if they start to come around more...calling and seeing you (mainly sex...not activities like movies, walks) but they never have said anything about the relationship and you feel like it almost mimics your old boring thing you had....do you say anything or just go NC? I really feel as though I'm a puppet and even though we have been split since Dec. he's come to no real breakthrough.


    What breakthrough are you looking for? That he can get all the booty he wants without giving anything in return? Something tells me he's already figured that part out.


    Don't settle for what he's giving you. Tell him it's not enough and go NC.

  2. NC Day 30. The only contact was one text message 4 days into NC. I ignored. I have "dipped" a few times, looking at pix or his profile. I reactivated my dating profile and he viewed it, so he knows I'm dating.


    Interestingly enough, my other ex viewed it too. Go figure.


    I'm also seeing a few nice guys, but nobody with that "zing" yet. I'm have afraid to never find the zing, and half afraid to be afraid of it if I do find it?

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