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Posts posted by Knotty

  1. This is a great thread. I wish it was around when I was younger.


    I get aroused very easily. I don't even have to be kissing. If I am near a hot girl and I think she likes me I will start to get erect. This was even worse as a teenager. I saw guys in high school that could joke around and hug the hot girls and I never noticed them getting erect or anything. I didn't understand how they could control it. (Maybe they were the gay guys.) If I hugged a girl I liked I would start to get erect and become embarrassed, then I'd clam up and avoid physical contact. It was a shame because I think I was more sexual than most guys but appeared to like girls less because I wouldn't flirt for fear of getting an erection.


    I wish I had seen this thread as a teenager, but we didn't have the Internet back then. And no one ever told me that erections were nothing to be embarrassed about.


    The best thing for a girl to say to the guy is probably something like "It's OK. don't be embarrassed." Just getting it out in the open will help the girl and guy relax and enjoy being with each other.



    However, if a guy gets a boner from just a hug.. that's when it's classified as gross.

    Why is it gross if you turn him on just by being close and hugging? How is he supposed to stop it?

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