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Posts posted by dukster

  1. ok ive been seein this girl for about 4 months now and i lover her its been very good (i meen its tht kind reationship tht when other people look at us they think we are the perfect couple) but until a week ago she broke up with me and i was totaly confused cause there are no problems between us, we rarely argue and when we do its only for like two secondes and we called each other every day just like a healty relatonship - but yeh i miss her alot to much im so obsessed with her and i was so confused also cause the day before she broke up with me we went to a movie and everything was fine we kissed hugged u know the deal just until the next day she broke up with me like it was nothin im so freakin confused and upset right now!!!!!!!!!! What sould i dooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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