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Posts posted by brownhornetfan

  1. Preface: my husband and I have a rocky relationship as it is. we have been separated for 8 months and just now are trying to reconcile (the past 3 months). also, when we were separated he told me that this woman (when he was 14 was his one true love besides me)

    Problem: he is a musician and has been on the road for 2 months. He had signed up for that classmates website. and i made the comment of was he going to try and find this girl. he hoed and hawed and said no. he gave me his password to his email (don't know why) so i was curious so after about 3 weeks i decided to check it. and lo and behold was an email from this woman that he dated when he was 14 (his other true love) it was obviously an email in response to one he sent her. here is the catch: together they got pregnant and had to get an abortion. and apparently they never spoke about it now 13 years later he wanted to talk about it. he says he has never gotten over it but he is not trying to rekindle a relationship. he wants to bring closure to the issue. i want to believe him. but, they are emailing each other all the time now while he is on the road and now he has given her his phone number to his cell. i feel betrayed and i want him to bring closure to it, but where do you draw the line? when do i stand up and say okay enough if enough. especially considering that our relationship now is not real secure and stable. i feel insecure but don't want to be selfish. help

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