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Posts posted by OakleyFire

  1. hello, i posted a while ago asking how to get things to work with a shy girl. Well we allways only spoke online, though we know each other from school. i really like this girl. i have to take a math test in august and i asked her to help me and she hapily agreed to come over and help, i really do need the math help but i also would like to let her know im interested in her. how do i take a step in the right direction when she comes. what are some things i should do or say?



  2. im kinda friends with this girl from my school, we talk a little during school, mostly online. she is very shy. She gave me her number many times and ive called a few times, its hard to hold a convo. im a really outgoing person who could start a convo with a shoe but she doesnt work with me. online i see a really cool person that i would like to get to know, ive asked her online before to hang out and she was like definitly ill let u know when im off form work. Online shes allways starting convos but its been 2 and a half weeks and no word on the day off. Now it could mean she just didnt have one, i kinda get the feeling that shes just really shy. i wanna hang out with her one day maybee she'll open up a little, how do i go about doin this if she still hasnt called.




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