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Posts posted by DanaWinsted

  1. Ok, I'm a lesbian and I have been with this girl for almost 2 and a half years. Lately, she's been acting different. We are in a long distance relationship so we don't see each other a lot, but we do try to talk everyday.


    Lately, we haven't been talking as much. But that isn't the problem, cuz I know she's been busy... However, she never shows affection on the phone anymore. She rarely tells me she loves me, so I usually initiate it. She hasn't been very sexual with me, like she has been before. But still we do talk a lot, but more like friends and we laugh and stuff, tell each other about our days, etc.... But basically I dont' feel LOVED.


    It's been two years, and she's been very affectionate this whole time, up till about the last 3 weeks. We're still close like best friends, just I don't feel like she's my girl. If it makes a difference, she started taking a new birth control pill the beginning of the month. So what do you all think? Is she still in love with me?


    PS: when I ask her she says i'm just paranoid.

  2. Well how things in this world work out.... it's disgusting. So after 2 1/2 years we broke up. Because she didn't want to be with a woman. I was left heartbroken but i understood her decision and still loved her. And she said the same back to me.


    BUT as it turns out...... during the last 1 1/2 years, she's been seeing someone. and recently they jsut MOVED IN TOGETHER. thereforeeeeee, the breakup and also why she kept avoiding to give me her new number after she moved, claiming the phone company hasn't come yet.


    Now I'm even more heartbroken. And on top of it all i feel betrayed, hurt, angry, and simply dpressed. Just when you think you know someone and give your heart away. I never saw it coming. Stupid me. Any advice?

  3. Don't be ashamed of the way you feel. I understand how you feel because I'm bisexual as well. For the most part I like guys but am attracted to women as well, and even recently had my first lesbian relationship with a wonderful woman.


    The way I see it, the gender of a person is of course important, but more so than that is who you are attracted to. Whether it's a guy or girl, love is love and feelings are just feelings. These things don't know how to differiciate between genders. Your feelings are what your heart tells you.


    If you don't feel comfortable telling your family and friends, don't. Not until you are ready. There is nothing shameful about that. And I am so glad that you have a friend who is blessed with that kind of open mind. And I like to think that, us women, knows how to appreciate beauty in either gender. I think that's great.



    Ok well here's my problem. I've recently broken up with my gf of 2 1/2 years. She was my first girlfriend, so I've never been with a girl before. And I guess while I'm at that, I should give you a little background of myself. I am 20 years old, a student at a university in Southern California. She too lives in California, but just up north, so we're about a 7 hour drive away from each other. I am a virgin and have never been with a guy or a girl sexually. So now all that is clear, here is my story.


    We met online and fell in love soon after. We have never actually met in person before (I know how could I have had a relationship that long and never met....blah blah blah...) But anyways, we've never met but we were very close and talked a couple of time every day (around 3 hours a day). She isn't a virgin and has been with a couple of guys and only one girl, which she was drunk at the time. So she never actually dated the previous girl, they just fooled around. So back to me, recently we broke up because she realized that she doesn't want to be with a girl. And all this time, she has been trying to change, but can't. She isn't dating anyone at the moment and still loves me very much. And I understand her decision and still love her too, as we are trying to keep being best friends.


    But here's the problem, I'm not over her yet (it has been almost 2 weeks since the break up) and she is offering to come in about a month to meet me and spend time together. I know that we won't get back together although there is a big chance that we would have sex and/or at least fool around because we both find each other very attractive. I am really attracted to her and would like to have my first time with her as she is my first love. I understand that we won't get back together but I don't know if this is a good idea because I'm still trying to deal with the heartbreak of our break up and am still so in love with her. So help me, should I go through with this?

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