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Posts posted by GhettyGreen

  1. I need some advice....


    I met my ex in Tokyo. We bonded so well. I'm from North America and she's from Europe. She had to return to her homeland and I made a huge effort to come visit her three times in one year. Each visit being over a month. I spent my entire summer in her country. We've been together for two years until a couple of weeks ago. She said that she didnt feel like she was ready to make any plans with someone right now. I've ignored her for about a week until last night. I think she started to get fed up with me ignoring her every chance to contact me by skype and email. I mailed her that it is in my best interest to not contact her and that just because i havent been replying to her emails doesnt mean that i dont care about her because i do. did i make a mistake by telling her this?


    My contract for my job in Japan ends next month and I was planning to move to her country to be with her. before she was cool with it...now she says it would be a bad idea.


    she told me to not visit unless i asked her. everytime i asked its been a no...cant see her. says it would be too hard on her.


    plan on going no contact for the time being.


    also thought about traveling accross asia and surprise her at her place within the next couple of months.


    long distance relationships are rough. but i'm a believer. its possible that things could work out and i'll see her again in the future.

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