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Posts posted by madcat

  1. it all started my junior year in high school. i was sitting next to this girl. at first i thought that i didnt have a chance of liking her and there was no way she would ever like me. well a semester passes by and i get to talk to her and get to know her. i kind of start to like then but still thought never. about middle semester her boyfriend breaks up with her and i am the only one she talks with about it for like 3 weeks. i felt like i was a really special part of her life for her to talk to me and not her closes friend (s). i started to like her alot then. by the end of the year i have all these feelings for her so i say to her " you have been my bestfriend this year and helped me get through alot". then before i could say anything else she says "thank you alot, jerry. where would i be without you. you know more about me than anyone." thats when i knew that i have fallin in love with her. so two days later i tell her how i really feel about her. we go outside and thats where i spill my heart to her. she had a little spark in her eye for a second. so we go inside and she told me that the night before she got asked out by this other guy. what should i do???? i cant forget about her because she means more to me than life itself.

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