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Posts posted by TLguy

  1. Feeling forgotten.


    Same here


    Me too.


    I dont think the pain Ive felt would have been so bad if I hadnt been made to feel so uncared for in it all. The occasional time when I do feel down even now its because I think of her and know she isnt thinking of me even after everything we had.


    Its my birthday on tuesday...and Im not looking forward to it because it will prove whether or not I have been forgotten. It would probably be best for everyone if I have been...


    Arghh Ive been feeling so down these last few days. I can only guess its because Im kind of expecting her to contact me in a few days...or hoping.

  2. Day 23. Had a very weird day today. Was fine for the most part but had these weird little phases where I really missed her...I havnt felt anything like that in a few weeks now. It was weird in that it wasnt a sort of painful longing for her that I used to feel, it was more a just thinking how nice it would be to be lying with her in this lovely weather we're having.


    And Ive felt different ever since. Maybe Im just lonely...

  3. Day 16 or something.


    Have feelings for someone else, who likes me in return. Trouble is I wont go into a relationship with her because everything she says I remember my ex saying and then I have huge feelings of misstrust and weariness etc. Like shes just another carbon copy of my ex with a different exterior. I also have huge issues with that every relationship I see around me, or even just on tv, I always see ways of how it will end. I think of who's most likely to break up with who and why like noone can be trusted.


    I really like this girl but when she says certain things I start pushing her away...I dont know if I'll regret pushing her away...but it feels like im not ready.

  4. Im on day 10 I think now...havnt posted here in a while...that must be good right?


    Am starting to stop thinking about her now =] 2 months later and I feel deep down Im starting to feel. I really feel having ZERO contact from her within that time apart from the very odd snippit of text communication I wouldnt have healed so quickly.


    NC is gewwwd people.

  5. She has another guy who she hasnt told she is still seeing her ex as friends. I think she lacks morals to be honest. She is out for number 1.


    I here ya mate. Same thing happened to me.


    Its nearly 2 months since the break up and Im feeling good because its friday now (allbeit 1am..) and Im finally starting to feel like Im close to the stange where I wont care anymore.


    Im on day 5 or something of this new NC. With the last NC I always wished she was contact me...then she did and it just made me feel bad again. I learned the hard way.

  6. I dont know what day im on..2...3...either way Im not gonna count anymore. Cos im not gonna contact her ever again.


    Have met someone else who has been in a very similar position to me with her last relationship which ended a few weeks back and have got really close to her as a result. Ive known her a while but only really started talking to her a few days ago and we had one of those weird conversations where you're so on the same wavelength you know what each of you is gonna say next. So long as she stays at least a good friend I hopefully wont feel the need to contact my ex.


    Im not aiming for a new relationship obviously...but having a very close friend who completely understands and I can help as well is a huge help.


    I really must say to everyone reading this: You're all great people and you deserve better than those who have cheated on you/dumped you/treated you badly. If you care enough to take it this badly, you deserve someone who returns your care. There are people who will make you happy out there and theirs always someone to make you happy within your reach. Dont settle for anything less.

  7. Love is blind hun. If im completely honest with you someone who acts like that obviously doesnt return your feelings.


    Sometimes in relationships it seems if someone has someones undying love then it makes them act arrogant and uncaring as they believe that person will always be there. This happened to me on occasion...and looking back now Im really sick of how I acted.


    If I advise something...Id say find someone who cares for you as much as you care for this guy. But then again I am going through a phase of seeing every relationship as a failure waiting to happen

  8. That's the spirit man, but since you're only on day three...I have to say, be prepared for violent swings in your mood. The first few days are liberating. The next two weeks are hell.


    Well I did 20 days before this...so Im ok. She hasnt contacted me in 3 weeks now...ah well.


    Day 4 was ok. Many a good thing happened today. Im feeling a little down but thats only because a) ive got it into my head that its sunday today (well....its 3am now so it is lol) and b) ive got so much work to do tomorrow its all blurgh.


    Ah well. Tomorrow will be fine and dandy Im sure Im on day 5 now. Am gonna do this challenge and be finished with it all.

  9. As I said before, when you are truly over her, you won't feel the need to send that e-mail telling her you are fine.


    Well Im not over her. I did this NC to stop the hurt so my life would be back to normal again. I still have feelings for her, enough to make me want to tell her Im ok, but not enough that I feel bad about anything or to care whether she replies to it/what her reaction will be. I know she wont reply, but she'll read it. And that'll do me.

  10. I just broke NC. Just sent my ex a quick email basically saying my lifes back to normal. Not exactly a huge break of NC because a short email is very informal but whatever. Still broke it.


    I feel like Ive accomplished what I wanted to do with this challenge anyway. All I wanted to stop hurting and get on with my life. Ive been re-reading my posts and over the last week Ive gradually changed to the point when it doesnt hurt anymore. So I have.


    Not sure what has happened this week to make me feel better again....but Ive noticed Ive finally got the ability to eat as much as I want again, Im looking healthier, having huge lie-ins like I always used to and finally have my energy back.

  11. Im on day 16 I think now.


    Its been 7 weeks since we broke up...and Ive finally stopped hurting. I still love her, but it doesnt bother me shes not with me. Ive only thought about twice this whole day.


    This tip may only work for guys but going out meeting/flirting with new people helps. It helps gets you out of that whole "there'll be noone else like her/him" phase. Makes you realise that there are others out there. Others that may actually deserve your love.


    Keep up the NC everyone. It works

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