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Posts posted by littlemissanita

  1. hey


    dont guys just confuse the hell out of you?? me too.


    All I can say is that you need to be careful. he may relly like u still, but it may be that hes is trying to make himself feel less guilty. Try and take some time and space though I know it will be bloody hard. And never ever thinks its cause of you. People chnage andI can guarantee its probably nothing u ahve done. just be carful with him and you herat for a while - we are all here for each other so take heart. Just try to take all hes says with a little cynicism for a while - this ay sound harsh but you did see him with smeone else and that is never good for you.


    hope its gets better sweetie



  2. Hi people, Im v sad at the moment. I had been dating a guy and we were getting on really well - i didnt know that he had not long ago split with his ex. Anyway when she finds out we are dating she wants himback. It turns into a - 'I really like you but i might want to get back with her' now a smart girl would have walked away. But I didnt. I dont know why. I suppose I thought we could ahve somthing really good.


    Anyway after weeks of me feeling like C**p he goes to see her - he is telling me he still loves me - that he trusts me more than her that we could have something really wonderful, and comes back to tell me hes chosen her. im such a fool I should have walked away ages ago and now I feel like I have lost respect. i was only a stop gap for sex - how could he say all those things to me and not mean them. I really wanted to salvage something from this, but it is obvious he doesnt even want to try. I dont know why I want to slavge something. I keep feeling like I should apologise to him and I dont know why. possibly cause I feel like I have acted like an idiot and a doormat. But I still really miss him. How could I let myself be treated this way. How can people be so cruel. Was it all a lie ?

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