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Posts posted by Switchflip35

  1. Well, this one is probubly just like everyone else's, but I'm new to this site and I would like to see what other people think. Anyways...


    I have liked this girl scince seventh grade. She is the girl of my dreams. She is beautiful and has a great personality. I started actually hanging around this girl as a friend about a year ago, and I think we hit it off. We like the same music, blah, blah, blah. Recently I wrote her a letter explaining my true feeling to her. Ever scince then we've become closer, but we aren't going out... Most of her friends tell me that she like me as an awesome friend, but nothing more. After FINALLY pouring my guts out to her, that hurts. I guess I have two questions for ya'll. 1) How do I know what she really thinks about me? and 2) What would you do if you were in my shoes?


    Thanks in advance,



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