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Posts posted by LMA

  1. jelousy is gettin the best of me and my relationship. i'm new here and i read some of the other posts and i coulnd't even relate to other peope's jelousy problems. you could say i'm supah jelouse.. the biggest greenest monster around. well it's ruin my relationship. my boyfriend has been pretty tollerant so far, but i donno when he's just gonna quit, so i have to get help. now it's not linked to depression, i have been depressed a long time ago and i'm great now. i don't think bad of myself, and everyting isn't negative anymore.. accept this. i have dreams that my boyfriend runs off with another chick all the time. when he so much as talks to another female in front of me.. i want to blow up. we live together and i can't let him go out by himself cuz i'd prolly freek out thinking what he's doing.. "heaven forbid" he talks to another girl. I'ts REDICULOUS!! and i know that! he tells me all the time how much he loves me and how beautiful i am, how we're gonna be together forever.. so i have no idea what's up.. it's not lack of self esteem or anything cuz i think i'm very pretty and the opposite of worthless too.

    now, this is the only problem that me and my bf have... life would be perfect if i wasn't soooo ...jelous? ...worrysome? you help me out here....

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