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Posts posted by Btrthnb4

  1. Gosh, maybe we are seeing the same person? I am having the same problems. I have dated this guy for 4 years off and on. I realize I have a problem for staying with him too long. Recently, I found out he was getting high on meth which may account for his abusive nature. He did everything you described your boyfriend does. I have given advice to explore the Co-dependent anonymous group, so I have just recently. I joined the online group through yahoo groups. I think I am going to get the support I need to stay away from this man. We have been split for 9 months now.. however, just recently he contacted me and my feelings were ignited again.. I told him exactly how I felt. What did he do? He went away .. I guess I keep hoping he will change, but I know this is not true. This time I'm blocking my email. For my own sanity I have to do this, otherwise I will respond or wait for his email. Take Care.

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