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Posts posted by cb663

  1. I wish I would have seen this before I broke NC and emailed him last night. Of course, no response, I don't know what I expected. I AM DONE now, never speaking to him again. Thanks cb

    its ok dont sweat it! take the time you need, if he response i wouldnt send anything back until at least a couple months or however long it takes you to heal. i bet if he emails back he'll call you or something eventually wondering why you didnt reply. if he doesnt respond, oh well he wasnt worth it. see what im saying? you got put out there right now, if he doesnt do anything, then at least you didnt go over the top and freak out about trying to work it out.

    what did the email say?? you can pm me it if you dont wanna post it here.

  2. stay NC!! be strong. if you call him, write him a letter or anything it says "i still care about you" and thats a green light for him to not worry about the situation. if he has any feelings towards you, he will start to wonder why you havent contacted him. if he doesnt have feelings for you and doesnt contact you, well having NC with him works out to your benefit as well as it gave you time to start healing. contacting him will only delay your healing time.

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