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Posts posted by montanaembassy

  1. Folks,

    I've come to the conclusion that online dating is a waste of time, money, and self-respect. I can't help but imagine that all but a few postings are arranged by the dating service to make you think there are a lot of women who might respond.


    I posted an ad for about a year and got just one response - from a woman who said she made a mistake. While I'm no movie star, I'm not a basket case either; not obese, have a Ph.D. and a well-paying, interesting career, and excellent financial position.

    I'm definitely not alone. I know others who have tried online dating and/or dating services and found them to be a monumental waste of time, money, and spirit.

    My advice is for men to seek women out the old-fashioned way, in churches, at work (carefully), and in organizations. Online dating is evil, degrading, and damaging to one's self worth, but great if you love to fuel your self-pity with rejection.

    While the bar isn't a great choice, it's still orders of magnitude better than the computer. Do yourself and your computer a favor - leave it to crunching numbers and words.

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