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Posts posted by Serge

  1. I just told him...he says he's not...but he doesn't care if I am...and we are still best friends...does that strike you guys as odd? He does all this stuff to me, but he says hes not and still wants to be my best friend...things didn't change...he's still the same kid...I'm so very confused...

  2. The weird thing is...he had a bunch of girlfriends, but did nothin with them and he has never hooked up at all. They didn't last too long. Plus he has many girl "friends", just friends. Also, he could have gotten with many girls this year, but did nothing about it. He feels so uncomfortable when he's with a girl, (I've seen him), but when he's with me, he flirts so much.


    Did I tell you he let me lick his hand...twice? And I've held his hand before and I put my arm around him in bed.


    Yeah, now that I've talked about it and seen what we've done together and I gathered up my information...I have a strong feeling he is...


    Well I'm gonna see what he does when I flirt with him some more tonight at his house. If I get close and stare into his eyes, and he stares into mine without sayin a word...I just know he wants to hook up...I'm so excited because we came so so close this morning...if only I looked into his eyes longer because he kept lookin at me...I just hope I don't chicken out...

  3. I am gay and I want to know if my best friend is too (but he doesn't know that I am). We hang out basically everyday and we sleep over each others houses and all that stuff. We talk online everyday and never get tired of it. We tend to stare at each other and smile but I always look away cause I'm not sure if he's gay and I don't want to get too deep into it if he isn't. Sometimes we get really close to each other but we don't do anything. Also he never does anything when I lay next to him when we sleep over each others houses, like he never pushes me away or tries to fight me off. He even put his leg around me. He put his arm around me once too, but that was in front of 2 other people, I don't know if he was joking. He always lays his feet in my lap and lean on him a lot and it seems like he's fine with it. It always seems like we should hook up right then and there, but I'm not sure what he would do. I really like this kid and I always say "I love you" online and I don't know if he gets it. He always says "ok lol". The problem is, he very flirtatious with girls but only when I'm there, and I get jealous. I know that he does when I'm there because I'm always with him everyday. But, when we watch a movie and a naked girl pops up, he never says like "whoa look at that" or something similar like a regular straight guy would do with his friends. He would just sit there, not even a smile or a little laugh. Is he or isn't he? What should I do?

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