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Posts posted by TrevorBG

  1. I also consider it cheating. Call me old fashioned, but if you're in a commited relationship with someone and they have sex or mess around with someone else it's cheating.


    My girlfriend of 3 years has recently discovered she is a Lesbian and I'm not really dealing with it very well at this point. She stays out all night with this girl...and just a couple of days ago I discovered they were sleeping together. She also lied to me about it. To complicate matters we have a little girl together. My parents separated when I was 11 and I wanted something better for my daughter. I think that's the hardest part of this whole thing. My girlfriend was also hurt very badly by men when she was younger (among other terrible things she was raped at gunpoint when she was 12), and I know some people will attack me for saying this, but I think it's possible she's not a lesbian and is just running from her past. She told me a few days ago she's the happiest she's ever been....but she used to cut herself, and yesterday for the first time in 2 years she did it again. 8 Very deep cuts down her arm. It was hard to stop the bleeding. I don't understand why she would do this if she's so happy with her new found sexuality.


    Anyhow....I'm open to any advice anyone might have for me....and to the OP, you're not alone.

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