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Posts posted by abonino2003

  1. Just ask her if she would like to hang out sometime. This puts her at ease, and lowers her defensiveness at her young age. Most young girls are afraid of committment, so don't seem so serious. Also make her laugh. If she likes to talk on the computer use that to your advantage. That's called putting someone together,and it works. If you aren't sure what she thinks of you give it a shot. Observe her body language towards you at school. If she doesn't make eye contact with you at school and she isn't a shy person that chances are she is not interested or is scared of boys. If she is scared of boys you need that kinda drama in your life anyways. If she goes out her way to talk to you, and says hi to you, then chances are she likes you. Remember the first one to speak loses. Just shut up listen and learn. Observe her, and then make your move. Good luck and let me know how it works.

  2. Be confident and don't ask with a open ended question. Would you like to go out is a big mistake. You are then giving her the option to say no. Just mention to her that you would like to go out with her, and you are very attracted to her. After you mention that, look at her body language. If she is smiling, adjusting her hair, or is biting her lip your in there. If her arms are crossed or is looking down, then you lost. After you mention to her that you would like to go out, shut up. The first one to speak loses. Just look at her and start smiling. Also nod your head like you are saying yes. Without her knowing you will cause her to say yes. It's the oldest trick in the book and it works. Wear light color clothing. Dark color clothing symbolizes a negative image. Good look and trust me you will close a deal with this technique.

  3. You just need more confidence. She is no better then you. The worst thing she can say is no. It's all a numbers game son. The more chicks you ask out the more your odds are increased of someone saying yes.

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