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Posts posted by bluerose231

  1. Well in my case I don't know if my husband had a physical affair or not (i'm pretty sure he did), but I know he was at least having an emotional affair and I am still devastated to find this out and think about it every single day.


    For me I stay because we have 4 young children between the two of us. I've been through a divorce before and I'm not ready to go through it again at this point (or put our children through a divorce). Financially I can't really afford to leave him. Plus i'll admit.....I really do love him and I guess there is still a naive part of me that thinks he will change and be faithful (although based on his track record that's probably not likely). Maybe i'm just weak, maybe I just like to keep torturing myself...I don't really know why I stay in these types of relationships. I seem to be drawn to cheaters (my ex husband was a serial cheater). It's difficult to leave when there are young children involved. If we didn't have kids I think I would've been out that door long ago (at least that's what I tell myself).

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