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Posts posted by chameleon

  1. How many people say this exactly? If it is just one or two friends it may be a personality conflict or something between them in the past to make them say this... On the other hand, if say three or four people who arent all close friends with each other are telling you this it may be a good idea to take their advice and not have to learn the hard way.

  2. Thanks for helping me sound this out. I definitely need to hear some other's thoughts on the matter since the whole 'boss' thing and all the horror stories I've heard bout it send me into a panic at the very thought. Just need to keep a perspective on things... I have to admit I wouldn't enjoy work so much without the company.. heh.


    But if I push the matter it could blow up in my face and then I'd be in just as an embarrassing situation. I don't have too much experience in the whole dating game but as far as I can tell it's all heading in that direction anyway, and what was bothering me so much was whether I should put a stop to it even though I didn't really want to... But then there's the whole worry about sending the wrong message if I don't make a serious move soon enough. He could chalk it up to just being flirty like some guys that were mentioned, and then I'm outta luck.


    So this is probably what everyone wants to know, but are there any good ways to let him know I'm serious w/o risking the possibility of complete humiliation at work if he decides he wasn't so serious? And what is the meaning of life? heh, but seriously if anyone has any suggestions or tips I'd be very grateful, I have no idea what I'm doing and screwing this up could be embarrassing...

  3. I know, I know, never the boss, right? Until a few months ago I totally agreed, but now I'm wondering...


    Right now i'm in college and this is just a part-time job until I grad in a year, so its not like i'm expecting a career here. He is also not my main boss, as we both have the same main one and he only fills in when that guy's gone. He is 23, I'm 22, and we have a lot in common, I'm completely falling for him. We have a great time when we hang out, but I can tell he's not really sure how to handle this and me being rather shy I am even worse. He sends me serious signals, and then its like he gets second thoughts and stops, but we are flirting more and more and hanging out outside of work. It isnt against any company policies, in fact I think my head boss must have noticed some interest because he actually told me one day that something like that wouldn't be breaking any rules...


    I just got out of a long relationship about 6 months ago and havent dated since, and I am worried I'm throwing away a job I love for some sort of rebound fling. On the other hand, I really wouldnt mind having a little fling with this guy and maybe seeing where it goes... I am about to graduate from college and have only dated 2 guys! The only thing that is stopping me is how horribly sticky this could be. And if I decide I am willing to risk my job and take a shot, how do I go about conveying a message like that to him? He seems to have had some experience with relationships while I am nearly clueless. Egh, this is all mixed up and it just gets worse when I try to write it down. Somebody speak some sense to me. Should I take a chance and maybe have some good times and see where it goes? And what if he isnt willing to do that, then I've messed my job up for nothing...

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