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Posts posted by RedWingsFan

  1. She ended the relationship exactly one week ago saying she needed time and space to think about whether or not she is still in love with me. She also said she had become "emotionally disconnected" from me in the last two months. She even said there is a chance of us getting back together.


    I've elected to do NC for at least two weeks since the break-up. I am respecting her decision.


    In this past week, she has initiated contact twice via instant messenger. I kept each conversation to 10 min long, and we only discussed how things have been, what we've been up to, etc.


    How do I go about this?

    Is she trying to ease her guilt?


    Is she contacting in hopes that we can slowly become friends?

    Is she contacting me in hopes of connecting to me again emotionally?

  2. I am in the same boat. "Figure things out" is kinda vague, you know? My girlfriend of 2 and a half years ended it suddenly to think about her future, and seeing that not all was perfect in the relationship, ran away instead of solved the problem.


    I detailed the situation in the Breaking Up thread and would appreciate any feedback!


    It's hard to do No Contact.

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