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Posts posted by Optimus

  1. I have been going strict NC now. Basically, before discovering this forum I know "tricks" how to get ex back to me due to my experience of human pschyology. We usually break up because of her mum who hates me for looking like a player and without any other reasons. Typical Asian mum. I am always good at attracting girls anyway, so when we broke up, we were okay and promised to stay friends. But, at that time, I became sad because my dog passed away and I broke friendship with close friend. So, I got lonely and realized how I miss her. anyway, within 3 weeks of us breaking up she got new bf who she thinks her mum will like and she told me things that "You are always an alpha male". I gave her NC, and she been giving me mixed messages and stuff, even turning up at my workplace to give me my birthday present.


    I even tried to make her jealous by telling her subtly that I am seeing new girl and to my amazement, she told me that she was happy for me.


    I asked from many advices. Be it, my nice friends and friends who are good with women. They told me to call her and tell her how I felt. So, I called and I got emotional and she cried. But, no apoligies exchanged. I didn't beg her. Basically, just saying how I felt sorry for her to give me up to appease her mum and continue to ask for people's approval to be happy. She cried and refused my "Advices". So, I told her that I respect her decision and told her to go NC indefinitely. she cried more because she said that I promised to be her friends and she would continue to care about me and love me as a person. i told her that I can't become friends. Thus, I hung up in amidst of her crying.


    I have been going NC now and still miss her but getting better. She is still young, only 22.


    What do you guys the theory on this one?

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