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Posts posted by twentiesgirl86

  1. You know, I actually believe this. Normally I don't believe this kind of advice about love. I know I seem young, being twenty-one and all but I've been so sure that I am going to end up single forever. I am not pretty and a lot of my friends have ditched me over the years so there was no one to hang out with and help me find someone. My sister didn't want to help. I don't have a license though I am trying to find someone to teach me to drive. You'd think it wouldn't be hard but it is. At the moment I live in a small town with my parents saving money to move to the city so I can get around if I can't get my license. I never get invited to parties. There are no bars in my little town. So basically until August I am stuck in this small town excpet when I can visit my friend and she has to get me. So I decided just to give up and stop thinking about it and focus on my career goals and saving money. I went out camping with my friend and her boyfriend last weekend. We went to her boyfriends best friends trailer. He is single as well. He is also very good-looking so when I saw him I thought, "Might as well not even worry about it with him, guys like him don't go for girls like me." Instead I worried about having fun and it turned out he seemed to like me. I was just being myself. I wasn't trying to impress anyone like I usually am. He tried all weekend to get my attention and I did the same. And our friends kept trying to push us together. We have made plans and I do hope things go further from there.

    From now on though, I am not going to worry about it and just be myself. I am not even pretty but he liked me.

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