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Posts posted by teenageriot2004

  1. So my ex boyfriend who i dated for almost a year broke up with me and i had no idea why. Well i was hurt for awhile but started to move on with other relationship that didn't pan out. well the entire time i still really cared for my ex but he had said we were friends right now and he didn't know if we could ever be in a relationship again. Everyone was confused is own family told me he would come running back to me. Well a week later he showed up at my house in the middle night. i was really excited but it turned out he needed a friend to talk to...about my best friend who he liked. well it ended up that she didn't like him and they tried to just have a friendship but he got pissed at her. now he comes to my house everyday or calls me. when he's over he chases me around the house tickiling me and picking me up and putting me over his shoulder and carrying me around. he also kept telling me how soft my legs were and he even licked and bit my leg. i was his first serious relationship and when i asked his best friend what he thought was happening he said that my ex is trying to go back to the last time he was happy, which he says was when he was with me. this whole situation has gotten me sooo confused. i really don't know if this is just his way of being friends or if he has feeling for me again? please help

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