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Posts posted by DJG

  1. CaptainPlanet: "Really, laughable, what is the point of being a traditional man ? A whole lot of hard work for no real gain. I can be a customer service assistant for almost the same rate as a day labourer, it is really laughable. Being manly won't make girls like you attraction is still about good looks and money, things that are often associated with manliness but that do not come from it."


    For me being a traditional man, in our days, means trying to lay most girls (or guys if you're gay) that are around you when you're under thirty.Since majority of guys i know are like that or wish to be like that-they are traditional.

    Well, depends on a girl.Most of them are, at least, attracted to macho attitude because those girls are tired of the opposite in their life.Good looks and money is arguable.Would not agree that a man is chosen by a woman only because he looks good, woman by a man-all the time.Money factor, depends where you live (Australia is far)

  2. SkyFire, you have a great point with first statement.I totally agree that sex with or without a relationship dominating somebody's life will only get you more addicted on this same thing till you're a mess.Very few can balance their priorities as they wish so, let's say, career or intimacy needs to come first.

    I know that some posters might call me unpleasant things after saying the following but: sometimes i wonder how world, pop culture would look without overobsessive propaganda of natural things such as scr*wing.Now it's getting absurd, funny and even scary.

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