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Posts posted by googleeyes

  1. So basically, what I am saying is... If your BF wishes to look at porn... DO NOT.. Make it your problem. AND do not support it. ((unless you actually REALLY do like watching it))


    Watching it with him will ruin your relationship. You will get self esteem issues. You will do stupid things. Unless you actually find pleasure in watching it, but if you don't.. being the "cool" gf can be traumatic.


    Most men will rather have sex with you when you are around, and will never turn you down for porn. If this is happening, then he is not interested in you sexually. He only uses you to fill a void.


    You can't be in every area of someone's life. A good relationship is... one with 120% trust. On both ends.


    Good luck to all.

  2. Woman do it too... just in a different way.


    They do a lot of things that hurt us, and we try to control them and stop them making whatever it is worse... or we try to support their interest... also making it worse.


    What makes a relationship great, what makes a relationship work... is respect and love.


    You treat that other person as good as you can, and you let them be themselves. If you don't like a part of them. (There will always be something) You let them be, and don't make it part of you or your problem.


    ..if the good out weighs the bad. You stay in that relationship.


    But if the bad out weighs the good you leave.


    If someone is making you feel guilty for something you enjoy doing, they are using emotional poison to control you. Their pain is only being presented to you so that they may control you, and stop you from enjoying what you enjoy.


    Think about that the next time your girlfriend cries because you look at porn. Think about the way you act like a big cry baby, when she leaves you at home all weekend when she parties. Yes maybe you trust her but... you are going to try to control her.


    If you love someone and enjoy having someone in your life, you must let them have their pleasure, or it will not work.


    Yes it is very sad that internet porn is so readily available, and has tainted so many men.. but we enjoy it.


    And no sane man would not respect the wishes of his spouse and not do it if he truly loves her.


    I respect my soon to be wife, and I don't do it, but that doesn't mean I don't like it.

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