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Posts posted by Buttercup21

  1. Hi Dave,

    Just to say thanks for your advice and i am a fan of your post. I know exactly what the right thing to do is but i am just losing patience and motivation. i went two weeks without contact and then i rang and he was already thinking of getting back together but then i went and spoiled it all bu going back to my stupid dumped girlfriend ways and become this needy stupid fool who will be there when he's ready with click of a button. I have told him how i feel and i would like to work it out. He knows that right and i dont have to repeat it again? you know the way im waiting and if im talking to him having a normal conversation it just doesnt feel he's thinking about it at all and then i bring it up again. I just want to work it out now. I know if i get my way and he works it out and everything i still wont be happy because i asked him to work it out. Im the one doing all the running and all the chasing and its going on too long. I want him to miss me and i want him to come running. I just couldn't imagine him because he is so stuborn and really likes to think hes tough and it will take alot of playing hard to get with him. Now obviously i have seen him go all soft so its in him all right. Please help? any advice at all...

  2. Oh my god!!! I read it all! Okay 1st of all stop trying so hard to get her back! STOP asking her to get back together, it sounds like that annoys her! It also sounds like she needs time to sort her head out and maybe she does have other things on her mind right now! She is still talking to you and thats a good thing at the rate of how annoying your being so i would say you are in with a chance but believe me you have to give her space!!! Dont call her or text, just talk to her and ask her how she is and normal friendly conversation on a day you see her in school! dont be calling into her house because you are not her boyfriend at the moment so stop living that life or she won't get a chance to miss you! Go out with your friends have fun..and keep bsuy to distract yourself! You need to give her time to miss you and she will miss you! It will take time and she will one day try to answer your question in her own time but by being there and asking her all time and annoying her you are pushing her further away and making it a longer journey for yourself! BE STRONG



    Follow love it will flee, flee love it will follow thee!!!!

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