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Posts posted by CatEyes73

  1. I have so much going on inside of me. I feel so alone. I don't have any friends or family that I can talk to. The reason why...I left my husband of 12 years because he was constantly cheating on me and never giving me the attention I deserved. Before I left, I met a man that was too good to be true. Two months after we began talking, I took me and my two boys and moved in with my new friend and his two children. We have been in his home now for 8 months and we all love each other very much. At times it feels like all my dreams have come true. My family and friends even love my new man and they can't stand my ex. Now the main problem is, I still can't get my husband out of my head. I still feel I love him. I don't know what to do. I talk to him almost every other day. Somtimes I think its just to hear his voice and to make sure he's okay. He's went on with his life to but he's constantly tellling me he still loves me and he will take me back whenever I'm ready. I'm so confused and don't know what to do. My new man is always talking about our future and marrying me. I don't know what my future holds and I'm not ready to even think about it. I feel liked I'm not even healed yet and trying to act as if I am just to hold onto my new man. However, I wish I could just run away and be all alone for a while. I hate now that I didn't try to get a place of my own but at the time my financial situation wasn't too good. I'm afraid of hurting too many people if I leave now. Please give me some advice on what I need to do.

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