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Posts posted by FatMimi

  1. Yos. I'm new here.

    Anyways. Yes I'm 14 and a girl. And I have a huge crush on this very cute bung.... I know it's just infatuation...but how do I get over it?


    So far...I can't talk looking into her eyes. I'm rather shy and stuff...everytime I see her...I avoid her...but I sooo badly want to be like...just friends with her...able to joke around together and stuff..but the problem is her group of friends are like...SUPER gossipers and high profile people... and they already seem to know tt I like her... still...i felt ultra bad because she's such a friendly person and I almost completely ignore her.. so I SMSed her a sorry note and she didn't reply...


    Is it possible that she's also avoiding me also? But when I have no choice but to face her (like on a corridor) I smile at her and she still smiles back...


    (no offence to gay-bashers out there)

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