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Cali Girl

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Posts posted by Cali Girl

  1. I've struggled with the NC. So, I went LC (limited contact?). Now he's been texting me every day and night. Asking how my day was. Lately its been "do you want to come crash with me tonight. No sex expected." What the H@LL is his problem?


    Bronte You are absolutely on the right track! "why should he get to reap the benefits of being my friend when he just broke my heart?"


    Now I just need to get there as well!

  2. UGGHH! I broke NC last night. We text back and forth for 4 hours. He kept telling me that the next man who found me would be very lucky. That I was an awesome, beautiful person. Then why doesn't HE want me?! Geez! This is driving me nuts! Then he sent me a text offering "anytime, anywhere" and told me it was an offer only extended to me. Then he sent some "pics". What is his deal? Anyone? Help me out here, please!

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