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Posts posted by schylla

  1. omg I was about to post a long and drawn out reply to the ones thinking this was abnormal, but what a nice job you've done! I have this "problem", too... I lovingly refer to them as "innies", and with a wink I slyly suggest that my nipples are shy and just need a little more encouragement than most to come out and play Most guys see this as a great opportunity to excel in pleasuring me. But if any of them made me feel as awkward as a good amount of the posters to this topic did, I'd smack you and say "Fine. None for you then!" When pointing out "abnormalities" of a woman's body, remember that she -already knows- and is most likely going to be uber-sensitive about it. This is the perfect opportunity for -extra attention- to be given out on your part to her special area. I mean come on, how would you feel if your (ex)girlfriend started posting on here about your penile abnormality? Yeah, didn't think so.

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