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Posts posted by Dreamingofonlymike

  1. Hi,

    I completely understand how you may feel about your marriage. But on the other hand I also know how you wife would feel if she knew you were having these feelings. If you are absolutly sure that you have no more love for this woman then no matter how bad you feel you need to leave her and let her get on with her life otherwise you will be not be only making your like miserable but you will be letting her believe you still love her and that will be hurting her worse in the long run. On the other hand If you do still love her then you need to talk with her about your feelings and tell her how you feel and let her tell you how she feels otherwise you will have no idea that she may also be feeling the same way. And even if she dosent accept it then she can respect you for being honest with her. I hope I was a little help to you.

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