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Posts posted by anon2

  1. Good on ya, I like your style and no bullshit attitude towards the situation.


    Although i dj occasionally the music i like and buy is not commercial enough for most people and they are not able to understand it. The music scene is full of commercial shite thereforeeeeee i dont get many opportunities to play out. I could buy and play the commercial tunes and would prob meet shit loads of tarts. But this wouldn't be me. I have always stuck to the music i like and thats one thing i'll continue to do. The best thing i can do is concentrate on the production side.


    Anyway im going to keep to my new(ROBOT BRAIN) routine of going out drinking on a sat (ah thats tonight) and then doing serious shit during the week. Just gonna try that routine for a few weeks see how it goes. If i dont meet/speak to any girls then i'll just go back to (FREESTYLE BRAIN) mode where i just do what the *** i want.


    Bet your thinking what the *** he's lost it.


    I haven't and never have really. keep ya head !!!!!

  2. First of all i apologise if i came accross as suggesting you were the same as me, this was not my intention. Listening to what you saying, you seem to have grown up with music rather than getting into it. You also like rock/indie band style music where as i like electronic music/djing style. But as u probably know along the lines the two syles traditional and technology crossover into each other, so u cant say that one is superior to the other. Both learning instruments and learning to use technology are both as demanding mentally, financially, and creatively as each other.

    The point i was really trying to put accross is that getting into music deeper and deeper will not necessarily get you a girlfriend. The more you get into the music the more detached and wrapped up in your own world u become. Yes, it's bloody good fun i agree and dont think for a minute that i am trying to discourage u (especially if your going places) but you can also make the mistake of doing it to the point of obssesion and this is where the danger lies. At the end of the day records are just pieces of round plastic with sounds on them. People are REAL and should always come FIRST. After all it is PEOPLE who make the music. I know what your saying about a girlfriend accepting you for who you are and for your love of music and probably you will get one who does. but the minute you put music before her will be the day u lose her. Music will give you pleasure but it won't keep you warm in bed at night.

    Anyway you are younger than me and enjoying yourself so carry on doing the music dude. I'm trying my hardest to overcome the mental and financial difficulties in learning to make music and become a credible musician in a technological sense. I have realised that i need to do this to

    get any respect and recognition for the music i like playing.

    I understand how difficult it is as i have to do it on my own (where as u prob got other band members). As i am 29 there is also the pressure that i should be out there meeting girls and it's a constant battle between the 2.

    Anyway you sound like your doing well so keep up the good work and good luck on the girlfriend front.

  3. Ha, makes me laugh when u say, about getting good at the guitar and making/ releasing records etc.

    I have been deeply into underground dance music of many styles for the the past 10 years or so. I spent most of my weekends during my youth traveling about buying rare records (ie detroit techno, house, us garage, ambient, prog etc) The reason i got into this in the first place was probably because i had so much spare time on my hands and although i love my records (all 5,000 odd) i realise looking back that the reason i got into this so deeply is probably because i didnt have any girlfriend to go out with instead. I wasnt hiding behind my music, djing etc but literally had nothing else to do at weekends apart from buy records (during the day). I still buy records now although now i can buy on internet so dont go record shopping that much anymore. (anyway good music is becoming rarer becuse all the commercial shit is too strong and people like shit.) I don't know why? maybe they have been brainwashed and like what there told they must like?

    I must have spent thousands & thousands on records over the years and although they have given me great satisfaction they have not got me a girlfriend. If the right girl came along (and i mean the right girl) this would be more rare than finding the rarest record i own so i would willingly sacrafice my whole collection for the right girl. Who knows maybe if i had spent my money on top brand clothes, a designer haircut, and a flash car instead of records i might have got a girlfriend.

  4. Im glad someone agrees with me, i know it is a sad state of affairs when u have to resort to going out and getting pissed but unfortunately this seems to be the best way of meeting a girl/boy. This seems to be what the successful people are doing. (ie working all week prob not going out at all) then getting pissed on a fri/sat night. This in my opinion is quite sad really as it shows how society has moulded us like robots and taken our brains away. But until things change and people are TOTALLY honest about how sad their lives really are then i fear we are stuck with this problem and people like sad lonely guy (who is probably a decent honest normal, likeable person) will go on suffering.

    If like me you have worked out that the best way seems to be to go out and get pissed on fri/sat night, then i would offer this advice.

    I unlike many people do not really enjoy drinking to the point of sickness and i would advice drinking to the point just before you know youve had too much. It is not worth damaging your health to get a girlfriend and also you may not suffer from too bad a hangover next day.

    Probably drinking heavily once or twice a week will not do you to much harm as long as u keep to just once or twice a week.

    You will find (and dont ask me the hell why) that when you are under the influence that you enter a state of mind where females are more likely to approach u. You can end up with anything from a one night stand to just breaking the ice and talking to a girl. (which can then progress to a relationship if numbers are exchanged).


    Anyway thats my personal experience and where i'm at at the moment. I'm still annoyed that thats what i got to do to pull but at this point in time i cant find a better solution.


    I would like to hear anybody elses experiences as long as they are as TRUEFUL and HONEST as mine. This way we might get to the bottom of some of these problems and get some answers. And SAD LONELY GUY will be saved.

  5. I am going to give u my personal experience straight from the raw bone, no bullshit or nothing. this is just my experience and am not saying its either right or wrong just what i have found.

    I had same problems meeting girls as u and i what i thought would just come naturally didnt really happen.

    I would have to say that i have been out with some girls in my younger years but they were very short term (about couple wks or so) and i had a couple of chances to get my end away but because i was either too inexperienced or too worried about whether this was the right girl (i am a bit of a perfectionist and know what i want) i blew/turned down the chances i had. Now i am much older 29 things have got much worse for me and i find myself living away from home on my own with no friends or family around and so i had to do things alone and be responsible for paying rent,food,car bills etc on a low wage. Anyway enough waffling. It got to the stage where not having had a shag got me really desperate state and so i went to a prostitute and paid for it. It was a choice between this or cracking up. The experience was quite positive and it gave me the experience and confidence that i needed and calmed me down a bit.

    I only went once this was about 3 yrs ago now but since then the situation hasnt got any better, meeting girls is still not easy and i have tried 1 speedating meeting which cost £25 and instead of meeting women 19-29 like i put on the form i got women 30-50. I also tried placing my ad and responding to ads in lonely hearts twice. I got 1 reply (single mum) which i turned down + no reply from other. So dont waste ya money. go out get pissed on a fri sat thats what i say

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