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Posts posted by Maylene

  1. Hi!


    I have a big problem. I´m in love with one of my best friends. We got to know each other some years ago through our work. We´re both actors in a theatre group and since the first moment there have been storng feelings between us. He was in a relationship with a women then. It was nothing firm but firm enough not to start anything with me. I was going through a divorce at that time and was really down but he helped me so much and we got closer but decided to let it drop because of his girlfriend and our work. But it was difficult because each time we spend together we had to hold back not to start with it again. But somehow we managed it to hide our feelings well. I don´t know how. It hurted so much to be with him in theatre,actually playing a couple...and be away from him in real life. He felt the same as he told me. However, he got closer with his girlfriend and I got a boyfriend too, but our feelings never changed.


    And now so many years later he´s married with his girlfriend since some months and we´re still in love. It´s getting more and more difficult to act together and the kiss scenes are the worst. Of course we try to be professional but when we kiss it is like in another world. It´s so wonderful and I know he feels the same. I see it in his eyes. He doesn´t speak with me about it, neither do I. But I see it in his eyes and I feel it how he speaks with me , how he touches me that he feels the same. But he hides it because of his wife. I´m so helpless. I don´t want to destroy his relationship but I can´t go on like that. I want to be with him and I know he wants it too but we both don´t want to hurt his wife. What should we do?

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