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Posts posted by joeshabadoe

  1. OH MY GOD how many untrusting men are on these forums... I mean, sure you're here because you've generally had problems but to me this is black and white... ~Sure she was snuggled up close with him which is something to be p'd off at, but seriously? Cheating? Why the heck is this considered cheating?


    So she got trashed and slept in a bed, clothed, with another guy. If she says nothing happened you need to believe her. If you love her as much as you claim you'd trust her too.


    Love is nothing without trust.


    So finding your boyfriend at after he had been drinking all night in bed with another girl spooning would be ok with you? If its not cheating then what is it? Harmless grinding? Personally I have been at many parties in my single days where we drank all night and usually if nothing is going on she would have been passed out in the room with all the people. Not in a private room with another man. Hell she said she dosent remember anything anyway so why do you say he is not trusting her?


    The guy walked in on this situation which has to be hard as hell to deal with. I don't think he should walk away from the relationship but he also shouldn't be nieve about what happened.

  2. Your post just hit home with me, thanks.


    To the other guy something happened there my friend. Have you never been drinking till 5am and wound up in bed with a girl? I have and there is nothing inoscent about it. But hey if you can live with it then saty with her.

  3. I appologize if I was too harsh, but she needs to first address her current marriage before even considering persuing this other guy. I think its completely selfish to stay with your husband just because your not sure if your love affair would continue if you split up.


    Also this guy has told her that he is working it out with his current girlfriend so why try to sabotage that? This woman seems to be attracted to him because he is not attainable to her. He obviously feels bad that she feels so strongly about him and does not want to tell her that he does not love her, but hey maybe Im wrong. I just hate to hear people that consider only their own feelings and do not think how this could affect the others involved.


    But I should not have said I hope you grow old alone, because even you deserve to be happy. Just try not to affect other peoples persuit of happiness in the journey to find your own!

  4. I hope you get the karma you have coming. The other man you have been seeing does not want you and is sparing your feelings. He knows that you have put your whole marriage at risk and probally feels bad so he is not telling you to get lost. You are a selfish person. You deserve to grow old by yourself, alone and depressed.

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