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Posts posted by TAB1234

  1. Broke NC (has been months) and got totally blanked ie. she hung up on me. Hurt like hell. Decided to go round to her house as i just needed to see her but her mum was there and sat down and talked to her which helped a lot. My ex thought i had issues with her mum but i explained to the mum that i never did have any issues and that anything that was siad was a misunderstanding. her mum was v.sweet abt it all. Have realised i can never get back with my ex but i find it so unsettling that someone i cared for can't even speak to me and is in fact quite rude. I know people have different ways of dealing with break-ups etc....but i think it's so unreasonable when someone just treats a person as if they're dead. can understand it if someone (like on a lot of r'ships on this forum) has cheated on someone then i can expect that but not just after one argument!! Sorry for the rant and i don't even knw whether it makes sense but just like to vent

  2. I'm on day 7 today. I thought I was on day 5, but I checked my texts and the last time I initiated contact was on the 1st of January. Since then I've gotten 2 text messages from her and each one I promptly deleted. However I've over analyzed them and lost sleep, thinking "Why would she be texting me inside joke things we used to have while with her new BF? Is there a chance she'll come back one day." I did briefly check her facebook yesterday to see if anything was new. It only hurt and now I have to work at not doing that.


    I hate facebook 'cos you can't help checking what they're upto everyday, whether they've added any new friends etc....+ that pic staring at you!!

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