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Posts posted by smallguy

  1. My wife has just told me that she has fallen in love with someone else, we have two little boys, 3 and 6, I don't really know where this has all come from, but needless to say, I am devastated, we never argued etc, but as our marriage became a little flat, and the passion faded (which I think always happens) instead of trying to rejuvenate it she has just gone with someone else. That is a big decision, and I would urge you to first and foremost be honest with your self, not just follow the way that you feel now, these feelings will pass unless you fuel them, and think about all the things you love about your husband- has the new guy got the same qualities. Fantasy is one thing, but setting up a reality with someone else will often lead you back where you are now unless you do some work to change your own happiness first. good luck

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