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Posts posted by Paulos80

  1. My girlfriend of nearly a year is going to University for 3 years at the end of the month. Its not a long way away but I am also starting Police acadamy in December for 18 weeks.


    She has decided that even though she still loves me, we should break up because she is convinced that we would not see each other enough and it would not work. She is not even willing to try and see how it goes.


    We had arranged to stay together till she left but she has now decided that its too hard when we know it will last only 3 weeks.


    I am beside myself at the moment. She was my life and now I feel like everything has fallen apart. We are still friends and she still loves me but we cant be together.


    My 15 year old 2nd cousin who I have only met one time apart from as a baby heard about it and got my mobile number from my Grandma. She has now decided that she loves me and wants to go out with me.


    She is my cousin and it will be awful if my family hear about this. Even if she wasnt related she is only 15 and im 22. Way too young for me. Its way too soon for me to be getting this and she is causing me a lot of extra pain.


    I am desperate to find a way to get my girlfriend back. It hurts so much without her. I also need to get my cousin to stop without upsetting her. HELP!

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