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Posts posted by mesosad

  1. Thank you so much for your kind words and support it means a lot to me I just can't see my self getting through this if I loose my kids it's not possible. I just wish there was a way of letting go of my wife or at least the right approach to take with her, she phoned me today asking if she could take some last things and this would be the final chapter, I was at work and told her I could not talk and I would phone her back, I really don't know what is the right thing to say to her, I know I'll say I love her and could we please give our family another chance and forget the past but I know what the answer will be and the more I push the more bitter she gets. I can't understand why she gets bitter at me when all I want is my family back and for us to repair all that went wrong. I'm a good man why can't she see that, why does she want to run away from a family and a man that loves her and will do anything for her I just don't understand. I'm stressing out making this call to her because I know when it's finished I will be so hurt and unable to cope with what she has to say. I will have to cope....I love my kids so much and they need me, I'm just so tired of being so hurt all the time it's just eating me away. Please pray she will come back to me please! All I want in my life is my wife and kids nothing else matters nothing. If there is a God why will he not grant me this wish so my life can be contented am I asking too much. Please everyone pray for me, pray for my children and my wife. Please let the hurt stop once and for all. I'm not bad why am I receiving all this pain what have I ever done to deserve this. HELP

  2. Thanks buddy for your reply, I know I have to deal with it and nothing I do or say will change anything. People always tell me I'm too kind and forgiving but that is just the way I am. There is no way this hurt is ever going to stop so I'm just going to have to live with it each day and always do the very best for my children. I'm really stressing about going to court for the final orders if I loose my kids I have nothing. I'm really fighting this one to the best of my ability and it is costing me a fortune with solicitors, everyday I think all this money could be going towards my kids but I have no choice. One day at court cost me about $5,000 my money is just eating away. This money could have bought many wonderful things for my kids. Just to visit my solicitor for half an hour costs me $275 just to talk to him but I have to do it. I must be strong and battle on.

    Thanks again for your reply

  3. I have been going through a seperation for about 6 months and it has been total hell. I have 2 beautiful children of 2 and 4 years old. My wife started a new relationship when she left the family home and when I found this out I was even more devistated. We are going through the courts regrading the children she wants to move away with them, she is also trying to take every last cent off me I own. She is really going out of her way to hurt me. I feel I never did anything wrong by her ever only we lacked in communication. I've tried everything to try and get our family back but she always say's I don't love you and leave me alone. She has totally done everything to ruin my life in every way and I should hate her for this but the strange thing is no matter how much she tries to hurt me I still love her so much and I love my family as a whole so much. I have tried every type of counciling possible but no matter what I do I can't let go of her it's just impossible. She is in my thoughts always and every night I dream of her. The hurt is just too much and I just don't know where to turn next. Friends and family say time will heal but I can't see this happening ever, I'm so sad, my life is not complete without her, this feeling of emptness is horrible, nothing works. I'm desperate to get her back nothing works. I know I have to be strong for my children and I know I'm a great father. Why can't my wife just come home and let us all be a happy family like it was, I will do whatever it takes and will forgive whatever has happened, why can't she see the light for the sake of the children and that I will be the very best husband for her. Why! Why! I would type more but I have to put my children to sleep and return them to the mother tomorrow. I wont see them again for over a week. I'm hurting so much please someone help me no one can seem to.

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