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Posts posted by unsure

  1. I really dont know what to say to that one, perhaps because you do love her so much or whateva, but i think it is a good thing.

    i mean if u got into her head and you knew what she wanted to say and wnated to do just by the way she acted your relationship would be boring and predictable. In my opinion i thinks its better because to try and figure her out and to always be surprised by what she does and how she thinks is one aspect on having a relationship. I mean if you love her then its better not to know, i have ag\f and i couldnt figure her out since the first day i met her ive been with ehr 2 years and i still cant figure her out. but i find it a good thing because she does things that i cant explain or explain, its very surprising sometimes, thats my opinion anyway, she could just be to smart for you bro? lol



  2. hey man,


    i understand your hurt, and confused but this girl obviously does not feel the same way you feel about her, ive been in a similar situation and its tough because ur hurt and confused and it seems that she does not understand you. if you want her back maybe try talking to her in person, sitting down and having a seriouse conversation, telling her how you feel. if she understands where you are coming from she will tell you straight whether or not she feels the same. maybe she will realise that you are what she wants afterall.


    Good luck



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