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Posts posted by WuThrower

  1. I'm sure that there is nothing wrong with mixing creatine and protein as far as health goes, but as far as effectiveness goes, you are cutting your results short by combining the two. Creatine needs a delivery system in order to work, and that delivery system can best be found in simple and unrefined sugars and carbohydrates (most specifically, those found in 100% apple or grape juice). Your body needs a reason to absorb that creatine and if its mixed with juice, it will take the creatine in while it's taking in those sugars. If you really want to get great results, completely mix your protein in water or milk (and drink it after your workout, when your body is demanding it) and mix your creatine in about 12 oz. of fruit juice, regardless of whether you drink it before or after you work out (I've experienced great results both ways). Good luck!

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